
Publications Image

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles Image
  • Malgoubri, I. (2023). Home language policy and identity in multilingual families in Ouagadougou. In Langues, Littératures et Identités: Nouveaux Enjeux et Perspectives (Vol. 1, pp. 187-204). Presses Universitaires. ISBN: 978-2-38390-035-1. Link
  • Sanfo, J. B. M., & Malgoubri, I. (2023). Teaching quality and student learning achievements in Ethiopian primary education: How effective is instructional quality in closing socioeconomic learning achievement inequalities? International Journal of Educational Development, 99, 102759. Link
  • Malgoubri, I., Sawadogo, & M., Kambou, M. K. (2020). Digital audio-visuals aids and listening in English as a Foreign Language classrooms. Asεmka: A Bilingual Literary Journal of University of Cape Coast, (10), 253-269. Link
  • Sanfo, J. B. M., & Malgoubri, I. (2021). Teaching quality and students' EFL achievements in Ethiopia: analysis from the perspective of the basic dimensions of teaching quality. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 11(10), 1131-1145. Link

Manuscripts In Press/Under Review

Manuscripts In Press Image
  • Catalano, T., Malgoubri, I., Bockerman, J., Palala Martinez, H., Kelsey, M., Brandolini, L., & Shcherbakov, I. (Under Revision). Collaborative aesthetic experiences and teacher learners: Arts-practice research in a teacher education classroom. International Journal of Education & the Arts.
  • Catalano, T., Malgoubri, I., Shende, M., Ganesan, U., & Pir, H. (Under review). Supporting our multilingual transnational children and their home languages: Parent perspectives. Language, Identity and Education.
  • Catalano T., & Malgoubri, I. (Accepted). Developing critical cultural awareness and critical consciousness in world language classrooms. In V. Russell, K. Murphy-Judy, F. Troyan, A. Moeller, and K. Hines-Gaither (Eds.). The Handbook of Research on World Language Instruction, Routledge.

Conference Presentations and Workshops

Conference Presentations Image
  • Malgoubri, I. (2024, February 12). Artificial intelligence for language teachers. Paper presented at the 18th Annual MALT Colloquium on Language Teaching, University of Nebraska Omaha, Omaha, NE, United States. Link
  • Catalano, T., Malgoubri, I., Pir, H., Ganesan, U., & Shende, M. (2023, September 9). What teachers should know about our multilingual children [Conference presentation]. Language, Migration, and Education Conference, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, United States.
  • Malgoubri, I. (2023, May 19). ChatGPT for ESL/EFL teaching and learning. Presentation at the Beta (Burkina English Teachers Association) Meeting. Link
  • Olmanson, J., Malgoubri, I., Servellon, S., Wilson, L., Harper, C., Jorgenson, B., Hassani, A., Bishop, S., Lytle, B., Evan, T., Shcherbakov, I., & Palala Martinez, H. (2023, May 5). AI and ChatGPT in Education: Workshop in Prompt Engineering in Education [Workshop]. Let's Chat about GPT, University of Nebraska Lincoln. Link
  • Malgoubri, I. Digital Audio-visuals Aids and Listening in EFL Classrooms. [Conference presentation]. Literature and the Humanities in the 21st Century: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Conference in Honour of Prof. Atta Gyamfi Britwum. University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana, March 13-15, 2019.
  • Malgoubri, I. Home language policy and identity in multilingual families in Ouagadougou. [Conference presentation]. Colloque International : Langues, Littératures et Identités : Nouveaux Enjeux et Perspectives. Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, January 26-27, 2023 (Virtual).

Invited Presentations

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  • Malgoubri, I. (2024, February 11). Teaching world languages interactive mini-lesson. Invited presentation at Teaching at Nebraska Event for prospective teachers, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, United States.