Catalano, T., Malgoubri, I., Shende, M., Ganesan, U., & Pir, H. (2024). Supporting our multilingual transnational children and their home languages: Parent perspectives. Journal of Language, Identity & Education,1-15.
Catalano, T., Malgoubri, I., Bockerman, J., Palala Martinez, H., Kelsey, M., Brandolini, L., & Shcherbakov, I. (2024). Collaborative aesthetic experiences and teacher learners: Arts-practice research in a teacher education classroom. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 25(13).
Malgoubri, I. (2023). Home language policy and identity in multilingual families in Ouagadougou. In Langues, Littératures et Identités: Nouveaux Enjeux et Perspectives (Vol. 1, pp. 187-204). Presses Universitaires. ISBN: 978-2-38390-035-1.
Sanfo, J. B. M., & Malgoubri, I. (2023). Teaching quality and student learning achievements in Ethiopian primary education: How effective is instructional quality in closing socioeconomic learning achievement inequalities? International Journal of Educational Development, 99, 102759.
Malgoubri, I., Sawadogo, & M., Kambou, M. K. (2020). Digital audio-visuals aids and listening in English as a Foreign Language classrooms. Asεmka: A Bilingual Literary Journal of University of Cape Coast, (10), 253-269.
Sanfo, J. B. M., & Malgoubri, I. (2021). Teaching quality and students' EFL achievements in Ethiopia: analysis from the perspective of the basic dimensions of teaching quality. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 11(10), 1131-1145.
Manuscripts In Press/Under Review
Catalano T., & Malgoubri, I. (In Press). Developing critical cultural awareness and critical consciousness in world language classrooms. In V. Russell, K. Murphy-Judy, F. Troyan, A. Moeller, and K. Hines-Gaither (Eds.). The Handbook of Research on World Language Instruction, Routledge.
Conference Presentations and Workshops
Malgoubri, I. (2024, February 12). Artificial intelligence for language teachers. Paper presented at the 18th Annual MALT Colloquium on Language Teaching, University of Nebraska Omaha, Omaha, NE, United States. Link
Catalano, T., Malgoubri, I., Pir, H., Ganesan, U., & Shende, M. (2023, September 9). What teachers should know about our multilingual children [Conference presentation]. Language, Migration, and Education Conference, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, United States.
Malgoubri, I. (2023, May 19). ChatGPT for ESL/EFL teaching and learning. Presentation at the Beta (Burkina English Teachers Association) Meeting. Link
Olmanson, J., Malgoubri, I., Servellon, S., Wilson, L., Harper, C., Jorgenson, B., Hassani, A., Bishop, S., Lytle, B., Evan, T., Shcherbakov, I., & Palala Martinez, H. (2023, May 5). AI and ChatGPT in Education: Workshop in Prompt Engineering in Education [Workshop]. Let's Chat about GPT, University of Nebraska Lincoln. Link
Malgoubri, I.Digital Audio-visuals Aids and Listening in EFL Classrooms. [Conference presentation]. Literature and the Humanities in the 21st Century: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Conference in Honour of Prof. Atta Gyamfi Britwum. University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana, March 13-15, 2019.
Malgoubri, I.Home language policy and identity in multilingual families in Ouagadougou. [Conference presentation]. Colloque International : Langues, Littératures et Identités : Nouveaux Enjeux et Perspectives. Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, January 26-27, 2023 (Virtual).
Invited Presentations
Malgoubri, I. (2025, February 7). Teaching world languages interactive mini-lesson [Workshop presentation]. Teaching at Nebraska Event for prospective teachers, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, United States.
Malgoubri, I., Catalano, T., Morales, A., & Faye, N. (2024, April 10). Forum Theatre Workshop [Workshop presentation]. I-80 Scholar Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Accessibility Connect, Lincoln Public Schools, Lincoln, NE, United States.
Malgoubri, I. & Catalano, T. (2024, February 22). Responding to Racism and Othering [Workshop presentation]. LPS Equity Cadre Event, Lincoln Public Schools, Lincoln, NE, United States.
Catalano, T. & Malgoubri, I. (2024, February 7). Teaching world languages interactive mini-lesson [Workshop presentation]. Teaching at Nebraska Event for prospective teachers, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, United States.